Introducing the 190S37 Bb trumpet by Vincent Bach.In 1965, the manufacturing of Bach Stradivarius trumpets was moved from Mount Vernon New.
Honor Brass History With The Bach 19037 Stradivarius 50th Anniversary Professional Bb TrumpetCommemorating 50 years of manufacturing in Elkhart Indiana, the makers of world famous Bach Stradivarius trumpets proudly bring you an exciting new trumpet model.Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg's conversion.Have a question? Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews There was a problem completing your request. Bach 19037 50th Anniversary Stradivarius Bb Trumpet.It is available in lacquer or with silver plating (Bach Stradivarius 190S37), which you can select from the dropdown menu. This is the 19037 Stradivarius 50th Anniversary Model, a combined homage and celebration of the original Stradivarius models that rolled off the line in 1965.Bach Model 19037 Stradivarius 50th Anniversary Bb Trumpet MINT CONDITION EUR 2.367,50 EUR 3.888,93 prezzo precedente EUR 3.888,93 prezzo precedente EUR 3.888,93.The early Stradivarius models from the Elkhart factory quickly established a reputation and, in time, legacy.This Stradivarius 50th Anniversary Model is a celebration of the original trumpets that rolled off the line in 196 In 1965, Bach moved its manufacturing centre from from Mt.
The 190 series were introduced as the 50th Anniversary models and incorporate older designs different from the 180 series. Bach Stradivarius "50th Anniversary" Edition - 190S37 The designs for these trumpets go back to 1965, when Bach first started making trumpets in Elkhart, Indiana.